Sunday, September 8, 2013

A book I got for Christmas

My life story.

I got a book for Christmas called something about "Do you remember when".  It basically has pages of "fill in the blanks" for things like where I was born, where I went to school and stuff like that.  It is supposed to be a book that I fill our and give to my grandchild, so she will know me better latter on after I have passed away.  I got to thinking about it and this could be dangerous.  Since my grandchild is only 4 years old, I could leave her with all sorts of things to remember about me.  The time I singlehandedly saved the Earth from Alien Space Invaders.  The time I parted the waters of the river to allow people to walk across.  And all the various other wonderful things I accomplished in my life.  Could be fun, but would it be beneficial?  What should I leave as an inheritance for my grandchild.  What family history should I pass along, from generation to generation?  Should I pass along only the good things that happened?  Would it be helpful for my future generations to not know about the bumps and bruises the family suffered during the course of our lives.  Should the struggles be ignored, and only the victories and triumphs related?

As you can see, I am somewhat conflicted about what I should pass on, and what should be forgotten.  I think I need to think about this a little more before I start to fill in the blanks.